Blog | Public Domain 4U

Blind Willie Mctell – “Statesboro Blues”

Finger picking blues guitarist and singer Blind Willie Mctell was born William Samuel McTier in Georgia. McTier was born blind in one eye, but by late childhood he had become fully blind. Nevertheless, McTell went onto become an influential blues musician and songwriter. In one of his famous songs, “Statesboro Blues,” you can hear McTell’s well known 12-string finger picking skills.

Bo Carter – “Corrine Corrina”

In 1928, Bo Carter recorded this (the original) version of “Corrine, Corrina,” which later became a hit for Big Joe Turner. The general consensus is Bo Carter (born Armenter Chatmon) had the dirtiest mind in all of blues, recording various sexually charged songs, like “Banana in Your Fruit Basket.” To this day his character is still unequaled. Enjoy!